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Buen juego, me gusto mucho, podrías seguirlo avanzando más, que no halla limites de crecimiento, eso me gustaría verlo y muchas gracias por crear algo así 🖤🤘

so, basically, I saw the leaks on the discord

Is the vore and draining stuff gonna be optional? will it be able to be ignored?


yes, those will be entirely optional


Great game! Keep it up!


It's a very good game.

I know you tried to fix it but the discord link still isn't working.


I think it's something with itchio affecting it. The links work everywhere else. Copying the link then pasting into your browser seems to be a work around for now. Try it with this link:

I don't know, I clicked on the link and it worked this time


I know you're probably tired of people asking this but is there any way we would be able to know how much longer it's going to be until the update or are you still too busy to know how long it's going to be until it's finished?


Early access to next version will release very soon.


Awesome, thank you for letting us know.

okay so what its very soon? 



This whole Patreon thing seems like a scam


Former Patreon here, stopped donating after the months long radio silence. I don't think it's a scam, but moreso jobobot is just not very good at handling release schedules alongside juggling with irl stuff, plus feature creep forcing them to fit so many things.

I think it'd be beneficial for jobobot to scale down on the features and mechanics, and at the very least release something with new content despite any unfinished work or missing in the promised roadmap. I can sympathize with the feeling of pressure around promises and expectations, but I think most people wouldn't mind if jobobot just becomes more straightforward about the difficulty and scale down things as necessary.

I'm still hoping they are going to do a release again in the near future, and I'd happily come back to donate to the project.


Excellent game!


I want to know when it will be updated


jobobot is back and posting on their patreon again.

what did they say?

or was it a release?

That they were extremely busy and now they're back working on the game .


If you make this device friendly, then that will be great, even us Android and iOS users will be satisfied for this.


I think jobobot feel off the face of the earth again.


I noticed they didn't update the Patreon anymore as well. If at least we'd get a "Sorry, I'm too busy right now. Will update in a month" or something.

(1 edit) (+2)

Yeah I agree. Don't get me wrong I get it they're busy but it would be nice to at least get a "I'm busy, can't work on the game right now." or really anything among that vein besides just going off the grid and ghosting their patreon.


Pretty fun game. hope to see what happens with it in the future


This game is really good, but a lot of functions don't work 1. You can't eat :( , I'd like to see how Emma changes if you eat a lot 2. Sometimes the  button "return" does not work, for example when you click on button " flex you arm"  then the dialogue appears and you can't go back, . 

What the debug pass


Really?? For the first time I see that it was necessary to link Patron and what you needed to subscribe to Patreon and then download from . The ancient age, damn it


Will the next version be updated here?


does Patreon have the 0.3 release yet? or is it not done at all yet?

(1 edit) (+6)

sorry for the rudeness, but when will the updates be released?


I've been wondering but if you make her eat a ton of food can you make her a mix of muscle and fat?


you will be able to in the upcoming update.

cool I can't wait


Why did you go silent for so long?


jobobot finally posted to patreon.

Can you tell us what they wrote?


something about posting weekly progress updates on patreon.


dead game

When do you update the game?

When are you going to update the game? It's been months since the last update. 


I hope everything is ok


Any futa mods to come?


anyone have any news about jobobot? why has he not shown any signs of life for 1 month and 10 days??? 😪


Wherever you go it seems like there's no content after november, no replies, no updates

Even patreon is silent, don't know about Discord tho


Their Trello board was updated 29 Dec, so i think they're still cooking. We just have to wait, i guess.

What was the Trello board update?

(1 edit) (+2)

To copy from the Trello board, this is the stuff that's completed on the 29th;

-Suprise mechanic/commisioned additions(i presume this is the vore stuff that they talk about on their patreon)

-reworked "a lot of the code"(quite vague, but okay) for future content

-"lots of miscellanous things"(again, rather vague and doesn't say much to the consumer/supporter)

-fixing "some wonkiness"(i presume this has to do with code stuff, because otherwise i don't have a clue)

This is the stuff  they're working on right now ;

-Revisit some descriptions

-stomach image sets

-complete the wiki(ingame wiki i presume, since the wiki itself is already done according to the board)

-testing for bugs

They have a bunch of stuff on their to-do list as well, but that stuff is still sitting there since september/november, so it's not really relevant. Hell, it's things like " fix bugs"  and "release to patrons/testers", which makes me wonder why that hasn't already been done already, but whatever.

Honestly, i'm not a big fan of having to  drag the info out of the developer since that's not my job as a player/potential supporter.  If the developer doesn't want patrons pulling their support from them, they should communicate better. Not necessarily once a week, but once a month(especially since a lot of their board stuff comes from september/november) they should post here or on their patreon since that's been dead since what, the twelfth of november from last year?

 Sure, they could post on discord(i don't know if they have one, to be frank), but considering the fact that a lot of people come here or their patreon i feel like they should just post here or their patreon, even if it's just to say " Hey, i'm still working on it, i'm not just taking your cash and give you nothing in return". I'm not even asking for deadlines since apparently they ditched them, i'm just asking for clear communication between the players and the developers so the players can stop asking when it comes out(the answer is "when it's ready", btw).

In short, i wish jobobot would communicate better so we, as the consumer of the product that jobobot has provided, don't have to drag the info out of them out of frustration.

Quick Edit: Apparently they do have a discord, but since that's related to their patreon i'm still not sure how that functions. Maybe someone that has a patreon account can tell us more about it, but until then my point about the lack of communication still stands.


Yeah I get what you're saying man up until someone brought up the Trello board post on December 29th I figured they must have died or something.


when might the next update (Public Version) be estimated to release?

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is there a limit to the amount of growth serum in storage? 

is there a size where she can be naked?

also, can you talk with the woman in the gym?


Where are the updates, bro?

great game so far! Can't wait for the weight gain mechanics and hopefully some new sizes of current mechanics,


such a good game, too bad it has only a webplayer version


you have to subscribe to their patreon for the downloadable version.


ah makes sense, thanks for the info

No problem friend! :D


Dude you're seriously scaring the heck out of us, is everything ok?

(1 edit) (+2)

Has anyone heard anything from jobobot? Hopefully they're okay


I think he is still working on the next update

Deleted post

It won't run in an android browser, shows an error everytime I try to run the game.


when will the next public version be out?


4 settimane dopo l'uscita della versione patreon💀💀💀 quindi chissà quando

How much do you need to update?

Deleted 146 days ago
Deleted post

4 weeks after Patreon release. 

So when is the official Patreon release? I haven't seen it drop yet...

what serums change  the art, since the height serum doesn't. Also is there an exp chart to see how much left there is left until new art

The art usually changes when the text description in the mirror changes. There are new images for each tier of muscle, with variants depending on what serums have been used. Height doesn't change anything, booty serum doesn't change anything, and waist/ hip serums only create a variant after using 2 or 4 serums, after which more serums will only update the text. Breast serums have far more variants and unique expansion images depending on how much muscle you have. Some combinations, (like 4 hip 2 waist 2 muscle or something, I don't remember), actually have broken or missing images.

(1 edit)

ok so would you happen to know the minimum amount of playthroughs to see all combinations of art

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If you want to see all the variations buy a bunch of potions, use them however you want, and then back up using the arrows on the top left to undo everything. You have a limited number actions you can undo though, so try all the variations for one tier of muscle before moving on to the next.


I'm adding a 'quick stats' menu in the next update that tells you what image stage you are on for each variable that has one; this will hopefully resolve some confusion.

Could you give an estimate of how much longer it could take.  Also awesome game so far.

Deleted 146 days ago
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