- You can now arm wrestle Athena

- You can now workout with Athena

- You can now flex your bicep for Athena beginning at muscle level 17

- You can now show off your chest to Brooke beginning at muscle level 17

- You can now test your one rep max numbers on a few exercises at the gym

- You now have the option to immediately go to work when you wake up in the morning

- You can now hire Alice's Food Emporium to automatically deliver food to your house every day

- You can now set a meal plan where you will automatically eat 3 meals a day if you have enough food

- Added a button to skip the intro

- Made some slight adjustments to the 'Home' menu

- Added a button to return to the home menu on every 'under construction' page

- Clarified how food is calculated. You now know exactly how much food you're buying, how much you're eating, how much you have in your kitchen, etc.

- Added some more buttons and things to the debug menu

- fixed a bug that would cause you to only have 1 muscle serum no matter how many you bought

- other miscellaneous bug fixes

- Added patron recognition page in the menu for hulking supporters


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Nice update, making the interface faster to use, with meal plans, here are some other suggestions : 

-a choice to repeat tasks : stream 2 hours more instead of ending the stream the using the computer back again.

Some toggle options : imperial/metric conversion, or just show both

Immediate work is nice, but it's better ignoring it and just go streaming past a certain point

I’m adding the ability to stream for longer periods of time in the next update. Metric conversion will come at some point but not in v0.2. The money/work system is obviously pretty bare bones at the moment, but I plan to expand upon it in a rather large capacity in the future. 

did the update not push to the itch launcher properly? i updated it and launched it but the changes you added like working out with Athena or arm wrestling still say "under Construction"

I just tested it and all the changes are there for me? I don't really have any guesses as to why it's not working properly for you. But i'll look into it.